This & That Saga and Serendipity. Memoirs and Musings.Prof. Aloke Kumar
Prof. Aloke Kumar
Nirmal Chandra Kumar's contributions to Paritosh Sen

Paritosh Sen was a Painter and an Artist Par Excellence. He was introduced to my father by Radha Prasad Gupta. Paritosh Sen set sail for France in 1949 to pursue his artistic training. Before he left he confessed to his friend, R P Gupta a desire to meet Pablo Picasso. He wanted to carry a gift on the representation of our art. They were in two minds. It was suggested by Nirmal Chandra Kumar, to carry Kalighat Pats. He met Pablo Picasso in 1950 at his studio in Rue des Grands Augustins. The master had only promised the young artist 15 minutes of his time. The two men talked for five hours and before leaving he presented him a Sara Pat and a Kalighat Painting, which influenced him. Sen had a memorable meeting with Picasso at the latter’s studio in Paris in 1953. Years later, he would recall how the Spaniard had initially granted him only 15 minutes, but as the two began conversing, the meeting had gone for almost four hours.