As Ella Maillart, the famous Swiss traveller, on visiting my home said: Visiting Kumar at his home, was like making a pilgrimage. A collection is in store there with no dome. But right there in the in the centre of the library hung a painting of Christ with wide eyes against walls of books. Oh Endless enigmas had the antiquarian! Painting Big and Small calm backyard ending in the middle of a rare room with rare paintings of relishing gloom. Up climbing at the weird library stair does make you grasp for some air as you see the full glory from top. Kumar had a religious enthusiasm for paintings, other than books which was his first love. Eventually, a collection ceases to be a personal collection and assumes its own identity. In fact, it becomes a thing in its own right, rather like one big maze of a pattern reflecting the mind. I can't imagine what it would be like, visiting Kumar without them.