This & That Saga and Serendipity. Memoirs and Musings.Prof. Aloke Kumar
Prof. Aloke Kumar
Les Hindous: Ou Description de Leurs Moeurs, Coutumes et Ceremonies

Les Hindous: Ou Description de Leurs Moeurs, Coutumes et Ceremonies. A Collection of Two Hundred and Fifty Coloured Etchings Descriptive of the Manners, Customs, and Dress of the Hindoos. Franz Balthazar Solvyns. Published in Calcutta. 1799. In 4 Volumes. This four-volume compilation comprises texts in French and English, as well as detailed visuals in the form of coloured plates, describing and depicting the costumes and customs of the Hindu community in Calcutta. Written and drawn by Franz Balthazar Solvyns - a Belgian marine artist who arrived in India in the 1790s and immersed himself over the next decade in documenting the lives of the people - this series is known for its accurate and detailed portrayal and was used as a source for many other works on the subject. The present set of four volumes includes coloured etchings, and each volume explores different themes: the first is devoted to professions; the second to dance, music and customs; the third volume depicts transportation and entertainment, and the fourth looks at native flora and fauna. Each plate is accompanied by French text, as well as an English translation by Solvyns' wife, Mary Anne Greenwood. My father, Nirmal Chandra Kumar, the antiquarian was in London to attend an auction. In one of his sojourn in the streets of London he found a women selling old books and prints spread in the footpath. One of the prints caught his attention. It was of a ‘Bhisti’ with his leather water carrier. He immediately recognized it from Calcutta and inquired about the details which the lady could not provide. He paid a few pence for the print and started researching on the artist. This led him to the discovery of Solvyns. In Calcutta, the Daniells, Thomas and his nephew Williams were well known. Subho Tagore, particularly promoted them. Solvyns was practically unknown then in Calcutta. Kumar then discovered some more plates in the Catalogue of Bernard Quaritch in late 60’s and added them to his collection. He then started a definitive hunt for Solvyn’s complete works and was able to acquire a set of the Hinddos, printed in Calcutta, sometime later. From here he started promoting Solvyns in a great way. He went out of his way to persuade collectors, friends and aficionados to collect Solvyns.